
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Soothing Power of Calming Music for Your Infant: A Parent's Guide

As a parent, you know that a crying, fussy baby can be exhausting and stressful. It's natural to want to do everything possible to calm your little one down and help them find peace. One incredibly effective tool for achieving this is through the use of calming music. The power of music has been known for centuries to have a profound effect on human emotions and behavior. But did you know that it can also have a soothing effect on infants? Calming music can be incredibly beneficial for infants as it helps them to relax and fall asleep. It can also be a valuable tool for parents as well, as it can help to reduce stress and promote a sense of calmness in the home. Here are some tips to help you use calming music for your infant: Choose the right type of music First and foremost, it's important to select the right type of music. The most effective type of music for calming your infant will be soft, gentle, and soothing. Classical music is a popular choice, as it has been

Listening to Rainforest Sounds: The Ultimate Stress Relief

Listening to Rainforest Sounds: The Ultimate Stress Relief Rainforests are one of the most diverse and rich ecosystems on the planet. From the lush green canopies to the rich undergrowth and the gurgling streams, every element of the rainforest is breath-taking. One of the most soothing and refreshing ways to deal with the modern-day stresses of life is to listen to rainforest sounds. The sound of rainforest trees swaying, the chirping of birds, and the sound of water rushing through a stream can be incredibly calming. The Ultimate Stress Relief Many people nowadays lead a fast-paced life. With hectic work schedules, demanding personal lives, and social obligations, managing the daily stresses of life can be challenging. As a result, we need to take a break, relax, and rejuvenate our minds and bodies. Listening to rainforest sounds is an excellent way to achieve this. The sound of rainfall and the rustling of the leaves can help you relax and enjoy some peace and quiet. It'

From Pop to Jazz: Exploring the Diverse Soundtrack of Spring

Spring is a season full of promise and new beginnings, and what better way to celebrate this than by exploring the diverse soundtrack that accompanies it. As the snow thaws and the flowers bloom, it’s time to shed our winter coat and step into the new and exciting world of music. From pop to jazz, the soundtrack of spring can be as diverse as the season itself. Pop music has always been the perfect soundtrack for spring. It’s bright and upbeat, perfect for those sunny and optimistic days. Pop artists have produced some of the most infectious tracks that have become synonymous with spring. Think of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” or Maroon 5’s “Sugar”; these are the songs that get stuck in your head and have you humming along for days. Today, pop music continues to be the go-to genre for spring, with artists such as Ariana Grande, Dua Lipa and Harry Styles leading the way. But pop isn’t the only genre that captures the magic of spring. Jazz, with its smooth and soulful sound, c

The Power of Neoclassical Art: Exploring Its Impact on Modern Culture

Neoclassical art, also known as Neo-Classicism, is a style of art that emerged in the 18th century as a reaction to the Baroque and Rococo styles that dominated the previous era. This art movement was heavily inspired by ancient Greek and Roman classical art, resulting in clean lines, simple shapes, and a renewed interest in symmetry and proportion. The impact of Neoclassical art on modern culture is significant, as it has influenced everything from architecture to fashion to design. One of the main reasons for the enduring power of Neoclassical art is its timeless beauty. The classical ideals of beauty, balance, and harmony have always been appealing to people, and the Neoclassical style embodies these ideals perfectly. In addition, the simplicity and elegance of Neoclassical art allow it to blend seamlessly with contemporary design trends. This means that it can be used to create a wide range of products and artworks that continue to appeal to modern audiences. Neoclassical art

The Science of Studying with Classical Music: How it Enhances Academic Performance

The Science of Studying with Classical Music: How it Enhances Academic Performance Studying can feel like a daunting task, especially when there is so much to memorize and retain. It can be challenging to create the perfect study environment, and even more demanding to sustain your focus and concentration levels over the course of hours. One technique that has long been believed to increase attention and retention during studying is listening to classical music. However, many people still doubt the effectiveness of this technique. Is it a myth, or is there scientific evidence to support the claim that studying with classical music actually enhances academic performance? Numerous studies have investigated the effects of music on cognitive tasks, including studying. A study published in the Journal of Education Psychology found that students who listened to classical music while studying scored higher on a test than those who didn't listen to music at all. Another study publis

Unleash Your Creativity with Nature Sounds: Boost Your Productivity

Do you feel stuck and unproductive? Do you struggle to focus on your work or creative projects? If so, you may benefit from incorporating nature sounds into your daily routine. Research has shown that exposure to nature sounds, such as the sound of flowing water or bird songs, can have a positive impact on our mental and physical well-being. These sounds can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance our creativity and productivity. When we listen to nature sounds, our brain enters a state of relaxation similar to what we experience when we are in nature. This relaxed state allows us to think more clearly and creatively, and to approach our tasks with renewed energy and focus. So, how can you start incorporating nature sounds into your routine? Here are a few tips: 1. Choose the right sounds. There are many nature sounds available online, from rainforest sounds to ocean waves to bird songs. Experiment with different sounds to find what works best for you. 2. Use headphones. List

Instrumental Music for Sleep: A Soundtrack to a Restful Night

Instrumental Music for Sleep: A Soundtrack to a Restful Night Many people struggle with getting quality sleep throughout the night. According to the National Institute of Health, 50 to 70 million Americans endure chronic sleep disorders with 30% of adults experiencing occasional insomnia. Lack of sleep may lead to a decrease in productivity, concentration, and mood while increasing the risk of obesity, chronic diseases, and accidents. Numerous remedies from lifestyle changes to over-the-counter or prescription medications provide benefits that work for many individuals. One option that is rising in popularity, especially in the age of digital streaming, is instrumental music. The right music can create a peaceful and restful environment that can help people fall asleep and stay asleep for a good night's rest. Music has been used as a sleep aid throughout history, dating back to ancient Greece. The rhythm, melody, and tempo of music affect our breathing rate and heartbeat, ind

The Philosophy and Ideology behind New Age Music

New Age music is a genre of music that grew out of the spiritual movement that emerged in the 1960s and 70s. It's often characterized by its soothing, relaxing qualities and the use of unconventional instruments like chimes and Tibetan singing bowls. However, it's much more than just background music – New Age music is rooted in a strong philosophical and ideological framework that shapes the way the artists approach the creation of their works. The philosophy behind New Age music is based on the idea that music has the power to heal and transform people. The composers and performers of this genre believe that music can connect us to our deepest selves, to the universe, and to a higher power. They use music as a tool to help listeners find inner peace, awaken their consciousness, and achieve a state of spiritual enlightenment. At the heart of the New Age philosophy is the belief in the interconnectedness of all things. This means that every living being, every object, and

The Rhythms of Restoration: The Role of Spa Music in Spa Treatments

Spa treatments have become a popular way for people to relax and rejuvenate. A key component of spa treatments is music played in the background that provides a relaxing ambiance. This type of music is known as spa music, and it has been credited with providing a calming influence to spa goers. In this article, we will explore the role of spa music in spa treatments, and how it contributes to the rhythms of restoration. Spa music is characterized by its slow and gentle nature. It typically involves a combination of piano, flute, and voice that creates a soothing atmosphere. The style of these songs is often new age, ambient, or classical. This type of music helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The primary benefit of such music during spa treatments is that it creates an environment conducive to relaxation. One of the reasons why spa music is so effective is that it can actually slow down our brain waves to a more calm and rested state. Doing so helps to reduce anxiety a

10 Surprising Benefits of Playing the Trumpet for Your Health

The trumpet has been a beloved musical instrument for centuries, known for its ability to produce strong, bold, and powerful sounds. However, did you know that playing the trumpet has numerous health benefits? Here are ten surprising ways playing the trumpet can benefit your overall health. 1. Boosts Lung Capacity Playing the trumpet requires the use of the diaphragm and lungs, which helps increase lung capacity. This can improve breathing and overall respiratory function, especially for individuals with asthma or other respiratory issues. 2. Strengthens Core Muscles The trumpet requires good posture and a strong core to play correctly. Consistent playing can strengthen abdominal muscles and promote proper spinal alignment, which can reduce back pain and improve overall posture. 3. Improves Finger Dexterity Playing the trumpet involves intricate finger movements, which can improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Practicing these movements can enhance finger dexte

The Healing Power of Nature Sounds: A Guide to Meditation

The Healing Power of Nature Sounds: A Guide to Meditation Have you ever found yourself feeling stressed, anxious, or simply out of touch with yourself? In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, it's no wonder that many of us struggle to find moments of peace and tranquility. But did you know that the healing power of nature sounds can be an incredibly effective tool for meditation? In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using nature sounds for meditation, and offer some tips for incorporating these soothing sounds into your practice. First, let's talk about why nature sounds are so effective for meditation. Our bodies and minds are wired to respond to the natural world, and exposure to nature has been shown to have a variety of physical and psychological benefits. For example, studies have found that spending time in nature can reduce stress, improve mood, boost cognitive function, and even lower blood pressure and heart rate. When we listen to na

How Acoustic Background Music Enhances the Ambiance of Your Space

Acoustic background music has the ability to enhance the ambiance of any space, whether it’s a restaurant, office, or retail store. The sound of music can create an atmosphere that is both inviting and relaxing, resulting in a better customer experience and increased productivity. In this article, we will explore how acoustic background music can enhance the ambiance of your space. First and foremost, acoustic background music creates a sense of calm and relaxation. Customers who are greeted by soothing sounds are more likely to feel at ease and become receptive to their surroundings. This is particularly true in retail environments where customers may be stressed or anxious. A study conducted by the Journal of Retailing showed that slow music led to a longer shopping time and an increase in sales. Acoustic background music can also influence the pace of a space. Music has a natural rhythm and tempo that can create a sense of urgency or relaxation. For example, if you play fast-p

Drift off to Dreamland: How Calming Rain Sounds Can Help You Sleep Better

Do you toss and turn at night, struggling to fall asleep? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, millions of people around the world suffer from insomnia, a condition characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep. Fortunately, there are natural ways to promote restful sleep, and one of the most effective is listening to calming rain sounds. Rain is a common sound to help people to sleep because it is soothing and calming, in addition to being a natural sound for the environment. When we listen to calming rain sounds, our brains release melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Melatonin helps to regulate our internal clock, setting us up for restful sleep at night. Additionally, rain sounds help to drown out background noise, such as traffic or loud neighbors. This can be particularly helpful if you live in a noisy environment or if you are a light sleeper. Calming rain sounds can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, both of which can interfere with our ability to fall a

The Serenity of Soothing Chinese Flute Music: A Journey to Inner Peace

The Serenity of Soothing Chinese Flute Music: A Journey to Inner Peace Music is an art that speaks to the soul. It has a profound impact on our lives, and it can take us on a journey into ourselves. Chinese flute music, in particular, has been known to evoke feelings of calmness, relaxation, and tranquility. It is the perfect antidote to the stress and anxiety of the modern world. The Chinese flute, also known as the Dizi, is a simple but powerful instrument. It has been used for centuries in Chinese traditional music, and it has a special significance in Chinese culture. It is believed that the Dizi can communicate with the spirits and help to balance the body and mind. Chinese flute music is often used in healing practices, meditation, and yoga practices. It has a natural flow that is soothing to the mind and body. The music is often played in a slow and rhythmic manner, encouraging deep breathing and relaxation. Listening to Chinese flute music can also help to improve conce

Drift off to Dreamland with ASMR Sleep Music

Drift off to Dreamland with ASMR Sleep Music - A Guide to Better Sleep Many people suffer from sleep disorders or experience difficulty in falling asleep. But there is a solution that is gaining popularity as an effective aid for better sleep- ASMR sleep music. ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It refers to a soothing and pleasurable sensation experienced in response to specific stimuli like gentle whispers, soft music or tapping. ASMR sleep music helps create a calming and relaxing environment that has been known to aid in better sleep. In this article, we will explore how ASMR sleep music can help you drift off to dreamland and the benefits that come with it. How ASMR Sleep Music Works? ASMR sleep music uses sound to trigger the autonomous sensory meridian response in the body, creating a sense of relaxation and stress relief. The music is designed to soothe the mind and help you sleep better. It uses a combination of sounds like gentle tapping, soft whispe

Sleep Soundly: 10 Tips for a More Peaceful Night's Rest

Sleep is an essential part of life, and getting a good night's rest is crucial for your overall well-being. Unfortunately, many people struggle to sleep soundly and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. If you're one of them, don't despair; here are ten tips that could help you get a more peaceful night's rest. 1. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Ritual Establishing a relaxing bedtime ritual can signal to your body that it's time to unwind and fall asleep. This ritual could involve taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to calming music. Whatever works best for you, ensure it's a relaxing activity that you enjoy. 2. Try to Go to Bed and Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your body clock and can improve your sleep quality. If you find your body routine out of balance, try to establish a daily sleep habit and stick to it. 3. Get the Right Mattress Having the right mattress is cru

The Art of Simplifying: How Minimalism Can Improve Your Life

The Art of Simplifying: How Minimalism Can Improve Your Life In today's world, we are surrounded by constant stimulation, distractions, and clutter. From smartphones buzzing with notifications to overflowing wardrobes and cluttered desks, it can be challenging to find a moment of peace and clarity. However, there is a solution to this problem: minimalism. Minimalism is a lifestyle that involves removing unnecessary possessions, simplifying routines, and focusing on what truly brings joy and meaning to our lives. It is not about deprivation or living without the things we love, but rather, it is about prioritizing and eliminating the excess that weighs us down. Incorporating minimalism into your life can improve your overall well-being and mental health. Here are some ways that minimalism can benefit you: Reduced stress: Clutter and excess possessions can cause feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. By simplifying your surroundings, you can create a calm and peaceful environment

Classical Music Covers: Breathes New Life into Timeless Classics

Classical music has been around for centuries and has been adored by millions of people around the world. With time, the music industry has undergone some drastic changes, and classical music has become less popular. Fortunately, classical music covers are breathing new life into timeless classics, making them relevant in our modern world. Classical music covers have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many music producers and artists are revisiting old classics and giving them a new sound, sometimes even adding lyrics. These covers have become successful because they allow listeners to connect with classical music in a new and exciting way. One of the most significant benefits of classical music covers is that they bridge the gap between the old and the new generation of listeners. People who have grown up listening to modern music might not be inclined to listen to classical music; however, a classical music cover with modern elements might capture their interest. Thi

Exploring the Ethereal Beauty of Natural Ambience: A Journey Through Time and Nature

Nature is the embodiment of beauty and wonder, a timeless entity that has always managed to mesmerize us with its ethereal charm. From the snowcapped mountains to the vast expanse of oceans, the natural environment is a kaleidoscope of colors, textures, and patterns that we can never tire of. Exploring the natural ambience is not just a journey through time, but also through the various stages of evolution. Every inch of the Earth's surface has a story to tell, from the jagged rocks of mountains to the lush green forests that spread as far as the eyes can see. One of the most awe-inspiring destinations that offer a glimpse into the ethereal beauty of nature is Yellowstone National Park. Situated in the wilderness of Wyoming, it is one of the oldest national parks in the world and a treasure trove of natural wonders. The park houses geysers, hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles that are teeming with life. The geothermal features are a glimpse into the inner workings of the Ea

Unleashing the Power of Ambient Guitar: The Art of Crafting Sonic Landscapes

As musicians, we often find ourselves seeking new ways to express our creativity and push the parameters of our respective genres. One such approach that has gained increasing popularity over the last few years is that of crafting sonic landscapes using ambient guitar techniques. Harnessing the power of ambient guitar can unlock a new level of sonic potential, opening doors to sounds and textures that were previously unattainable. One of the key elements of ambient guitar is its focus on creating an atmosphere, a musical force that is more concerned with the mood and emotion of the piece than the traditional approach of chord progressions and melody. The process of crafting an ambient guitar piece involves using a broad range of effects to create a layered, ethereal soundscape. The use of reverb and delay are the core tools in achieving this desired effect, giving each note a unique tail and creating space between each layer of sound. The use of looping is another key technique, a

Exploring the World of Music Fusion: A Journey through Cultural Crossovers

Music has been a universal language that has transcended boundaries, unifying people from all walks of life through common beats and melodies. While traditional music forms have their unique sounds rooted in their cultures, music fusion explores the amalgamation of diverse genres and styles. It is a journey through cultural crossovers, creating new sounds that reflect the melting pot of cultures and musical traditions. Music fusion is not a new phenomenon, but it has gained popularity in recent times, with artists experimenting with blending different genres and styles. In the early 1950s, African musicians fused their traditional rhythms with jazz, creating a new sound called Afro-Jazz. In the 1970s, Latin American musicians popularized Salsa, a blend of Cuban and Puerto Rican music genres, and Reggae emerged from the fusion of Caribbean and African music. Today, music fusion has expanded beyond the traditional blends, with new genres and sub-genres emerging, such as World Music

The Science Behind Calming Background Music and its Impact on Your Stress Levels

As the world becomes more complex and challenging, stress is becoming a common problem for many people. From work deadlines to social media, we're constantly bombarded with information and expectations that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. One solution to this problem is calming background music. Studies have shown that listening to music can have a profound effect on our stress levels, helping to relax our minds and bodies. But why does music have this effect? And what kind of music is best for calming us down? The science behind music and stress reduction Research has shown that listening to music can stimulate the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. As dopamine levels increase, we feel more relaxed and content, allowing us to better cope with stressors. In addition, music can alter our brainwave patterns. Fast-paced, energetic music stimulates the brain and can increase anxiety levels. Calming background music, on the other h

Finding Serenity with Calming Jazz Music: A Guide for Stress Relief

In today’s fast-paced and high-stress world, finding moments of peace and relaxation can be a challenge. The daily grind of work, family responsibilities, and other obligations can take a toll on us, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. However, there may be a solution that can help bring us the sense of calm and serenity we need: calming jazz music. Jazz music has a long history of being associated with relaxation and stress relief. The complex melodies and rhythms of jazz can be both invigorating and soothing, providing listeners with a sense of comfort and ease. Whether you are an avid jazz listener or a casual fan, incorporating calming jazz music into your daily routine may help you find the serenity you seek. One way to discover the calming benefits of jazz is to explore various jazz genres and artists. From smooth jazz to free jazz, there are many styles to choose from, each with their own unique sound and mood. Start by listening to some classic jazz standards

Mastering the Art of Slow Blues Piano: Tips and Tricks from the Pros

Mastering the Art of Slow Blues Piano: Tips and Tricks from the Pros Slow blues is a genre of music that is characterized by its slow tempo, soulful melodies and heartbreaking lyrics. As a pianist, mastering the art of slow blues piano takes time, patience and practice. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks from the pros to help you become a master of slow blues piano playing. 1. Develop a Good Sense of Timing Slow blues is all about timing. It is essential to develop good timing skills to play slow blues effectively. The best way to do this is by using a metronome to keep time. Practice playing along with the metronome until you can play blues piano without missing a beat. 2. Master the Blues Scale The blues scale is the basis for slow blues piano playing. It is essential to master the blues scale, which includes the root, flatted third, and fifth notes of the scale. Practice playing the scale up and down the piano keyboard to get comfortable with it. 3. Learn

The Soothing Sounds of Nature: How Ambient Bird Sounds Can Help You Relax and Focus

Nature has always been a source of calm and inspiration for mankind. From the lush green forests to the sun-kissed beaches, the vistas of nature can soothe the soul and rejuvenate the mind. One of the most captivating elements of nature is the chirping of birds, which not only bring joy to the ears but can also help you relax and focus. In this article, we will explore the soothing sounds of nature, particularly ambient bird sounds, and how they can benefit the mind and body. Birds are among the most vocal inhabitants of the natural world. Their songs and calls are often associated with the onset of Spring, and their melodies have inspired poets and musicians for centuries. But beyond their aesthetic appeal, the sounds of birds also have therapeutic benefits. Studies have shown that listening to environmental sounds, including bird songs, can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive performance. One reason for this is that bird sounds are a natural form of music. The rh

Experience Tranquility with Zen Spa Music: A Guide to Relaxation

In today's fast-paced society, it's more important than ever to take a moment to relax and unwind. One way to achieve this sense of tranquility is by immersing yourself in Zen spa music. These soothing sounds can help calm your mind, reduce stress, and promote deep relaxation. In this guide to relaxation, we'll explore the benefits of Zen spa music and provide tips for incorporating it into your self-care routine. What is Zen spa music? Zen spa music is a genre of music that combines natural sounds, such as waterfalls, birdsong, and ocean waves, with gentle instrumental melodies. The result is a meditative soundtrack that promotes relaxation and mindfulness. This music is often played in spas, yoga studios, and meditation centers to help create a peaceful atmosphere. Benefits of Zen spa music Research has shown that listening to music can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. Zen spa music, in particular, has been found to have several beneficial effects on t

Relax and Unwind: The Soothing Sounds of Bossanova Instrumentals

Relax and Unwind: The Soothing Sounds of Bossanova Instrumentals In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often forget to take the time to relax and unwind. It’s important to decompress and let go of the stress and tension that builds up throughout the day. Bossanova instrumentals are perfect for this purpose, offering a soothing and calming soundscape that can help you de-stress and find peace. Bossanova is a genre of Brazilian music that originated in the late 1950s and 1960s. It’s characterized by its smooth and laid-back rhythms, groovy basslines, and mellow guitar melodies. The word bossa nova means “new trend” or “new wave,” and the music certainly embodies that sentiment. Bossanova instrumentals are perfect for relaxation and meditation. The gentle rhythms and melodies can help slow down your heart rate and breathing, allowing you to enter a state of deep relaxation. Research has shown that listening to music can have a positive impact on your mental and physical h

Power Up Your Morning with Music: A Guide to Positive Energy

Starting your day off on the right foot can make all the difference in how the rest of your day goes. If you want to power up your morning with positive energy, music can be a great tool to help you get there. Here’s everything you need to know to use music to set yourself up for success every morning. Choose the Right Music The first step to using music as a tool for positive energy in the morning is to choose the right music. The best music for this purpose is typically something upbeat, positive, and with a catchy melody. Think about songs that you love, songs that make you want to dance or sing along. These are the tunes that will put a smile on your face and give you the energy you need to tackle the day ahead. Create a Playlist Once you’ve chosen your favorite tunes, create a playlist. You can use platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube, to create a personalized playlist of your favorite songs. Choose songs that have a similar tempo, so the transitions between ea

10 Timeless Classical Piano Pieces That Will Transport You to Another World

Music has the ability to transport us to a different place, a different time, and a different world. Classical piano music has stood the test of time and continues to captivate audiences with its complexities and artistry. Here are 10 timeless classical piano pieces that will transport you to another world. 1. Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven One of the most recognizable classical piano pieces, Moonlight Sonata is a hauntingly beautiful composition that evokes feelings of melancholy and longing. The first movement is particularly famous with its hypnotic and mesmerizing melody. 2. Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy Clair de Lune, which means “moonlight” in French, is a staple of classical piano music. The piece is known for its serene and dreamlike quality, like being whisked away to a peaceful and ethereal landscape. 3. Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 by Franz Liszt This virtuosic piece by Liszt is a showstopper, with its energetic and fiery nature. It showcases the pianist’s

The Ultimate Guide to Music for Cats: Boosting Their Health and Happiness

As a cat owner, you know that your furry companion is a great source of comfort and joy. You enjoy cuddling with them and watching them play, but did you know that music could boost their happiness and health? Music is not only for human enjoyment but can also be a therapeutic tool for pets, especially cats. The Ultimate Guide to Music for Cats will explore the impact of music on feline behavior, how it can improve their well-being, types of music suitable for cats, and ways to introduce it to your pets. By the end of this guide, you’ll know how to curate a music playlist and create a calming and relaxing environment for your furry friend. How Music Affects Your Cat Cats have a unique way of processing sounds, and music is no exception. Studies have shown that cats are sensitive to sound, and they have a preference for specific frequencies and rhythms that stimulate their brains. Music has a calming effect on feline behavior; it can ease their anxiety and reduce their stress lev